BEL GA’s Football Cup is an annual cultural activity of the Bel Ga company. Not only providing a playground for exercising, improving healthy with king sport – football, promoting team spirit, teamwork. With the message of exchanging, learning, satisfying passion and more importantly, creating opportunities for exchange and cooperation between Bel Ga company and partner companies and suppliers. Following the success of the previous seasons and with the consent of the management board, the Trade Union of Bel Ga Company solemnly organized the 5th tournament – The Bel Ga’s football cup on October 17th, 2020.

The tournament was very exciting, fierce and thrilling with beautiful performances of the players, the enthusiasm, excitement, and dedication of the fans from 7 teams: Tan Tien – MSD, Viphavet – Boehringer, Ceva-Tien Phat, De Heus Sales, De Heus Office and two teams of Bel Ga: Bel Ga Farm and Bel Ga Hatchery. Bel Ga’s Football Cup ended with a happy atmosphere and memorable moments.

Bel Ga would like to thank all the athletes and fans who came to participate and cheers warmly to the Bel Ga Cup this year. The Bel Ga Cup football tournament went off with great success with the first prize going to Viphavet-Boehringer, the second for Bel Ga Hatchery and the third for DeHeus Office.

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